
Pentagon Officials Internally Discussing How They Can Disobey Direct Orders From President Trump

… presidency is gonna be wild.

Ezra A. Cohen

Again we are reminded there has been a complete breakdown in civilian control of the military. There are many reasons for this but here are the top 3:

- Mark Milley who loathed the idea of civilian control has installed an entire class of 3 and 4 stars that feel the same as him. To them it is not about the President it is about the Presidency itself.

- The Joint Staff, which is meant to be an advisory body has grown to several thousand with dozens of GOFOs (General Officers, Flag Officers). With this bloat, it has contrary to law inserted itself into the chain of command, disambiguating the President and the Secretary from the combatant commanders.

- In the past 8 years we have had two retired generals as SECDEF (Secretary of Defense), blurring the lines between civilian and military control. There is a law on the book barring retired generals from serving as SD (Secretary of Defense) but congress has waived it twice. What’s the point of a law if it’s repeatedly waived?

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