
What Did You Ever Do

… vote.

Cooning and screaming like a damn baboon when Thomas Massie checked your ass about the Second Amendment.

You NEVER belonged in the House.

You NEVER served the people.

And what did you ever do for the Black people who elected you?

Running around acting a whole ass bouncing your feet and slamming chairs talking about “ceasefire now” ain’t do shit to help us Black folk get no damn food on our table.

Then you had the nerve to bring your Black ass to church saying they want to shut you up because you a Black man.

Keep it 100, nigga, ain’t shit got to do with your color.

You was a disgrace to the entire body of Congress.

Get yo ass out the house, boy, and go get some help.

You got the signs of mental health issues and that issue plagues our men so hard.

Become an advocate. Get some help and be public about it like that white boy Fetterman was.

Maybe you’d help Black men in their treatment journey.

Do something for your damn community for once. Hamas ain’t your people. You Black. Blackity Black Black!

Come home and make a difference since your ass got thrown out the House.

Those white liberals ain’t never give a fuck about you, you was just a windup doll for their damn cause.

They talked about you behind your back and called you every name in the book. They thought of you as nothing more than a slave master thought of his field slaves.

And now they going to forget your ass and claim they never even knew you.

Remember where you came from and next time don’t you fucking forget, boy.

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