
It Was Absolutely a Bullet

… Trump could have been hit by a bullet was if that bullet hit Trump and then went somewhere else—a professional way of perhaps saying he was not hit by a bullet. By saying that he may have implied that Trump's former doctor lied in his statement and that Trump also lied to the American people. Now, what do I really think? I think it was an attempted assassination that could have ended Trump's life. I think there was a catastrophic security failure. Do I completely trust the FBI? Never. Are they lying? I don't know. Am I investigating the case? No. Do I have more knowledge than them? No. Can they manipulate the truth? Possible. Not sure of anything.

…It was ABSOLUTELY a bullet wound with ALL the hallmark signs that accompany a wound from a high-powered rifle. Not to mention, we ALL SAW IT with our own eyes!!

It’s because of IDIOTIC and POLITICALLY MOTIVATED statements like this, that we don’t have ANY confidence in the supposed #1 law enforcement agency in this country. We CAN’T TRUST THEM to run this investigation into the assassination attempt!!

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