
I Really Tried

P … I’m done with the neighborhood WhatsApp groups first being upset about fentanyl containers on the playgrounds, and 48 hours later pivoting to make sure the “community members” using illegal drugs at the base of swing sets don’t feel “marginalized.”

I’m done pretending that being on high alert every time you leave your apartment is any kind of way for you or your child to live.

I will not condition my son to believe that stepping around multiple homeless, mentally unwell and migrants begging in the streets DAILY is “normal.”

We moved to where I will never have to whisper “stranger danger!” and quickly grab his wrist to haul him across the street.

I’m done voting in local elections where there is only one radical lefty candidate running unopposed so there are no other options.

I’m going to live my best soft life elsewhere that won’t be touched by this nonsense.

I’ll take NIMBY neighbors over waking up to multiple “shots fired” (6 people shot just this week!) alerts in my neighborhood. It happens so often, no one even comments on the alerts anymore.

IMO, the last of the best New York was when the Empire State and One World Trade were still the recognizable skyline. When being an artist or liberal was about being a renegade of truth and beauty and light and not about being a scold.

I fought for you, NYC. You gave me so much life over the last quarter century, and then you took it away.

Now it’s time to take care of my son.

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