
Archbishop Viganò Says Pope Francis is a Servant of the WEF, 17 January 2024

… especially high finance and media, which are totally in their hands.

How would Our Lord have spoken to the Sanhedrin of criminal subversives at the World Economic Forum? What would all the Popes from Saint Peter to Pius XII have said to the participants of the Davos Forum? Not what Bergoglio said, surely. And this proves once again that the Argentine Jesuit is a servant of the globalist elite: whether he does it out of self-interest or due to blackmail matters little.

Bergoglio explicitly supports the globalist coup and actively cooperates in the establishment of the New World Order. What more is needed to understand that the words of Leo XIII have come true? That the prophecy of Our Lady at La Salette is being fulfilled before our eyes?

"Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist."

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