
The Real Matt Gaetz

… Webster, who skipped the vote on the 2nd impeachment of President Trump and was the only Republican to skip the vote on the J6 committee, and also voted to send $40 billion to Ukraine. In 2021, @mattgaetz cornered me at the Trump Doral in Miami and told me he thinks I should drop out. He told me “you are not a winning candidate and you are not an America First candidate”.

But Daniel Webster is? Matt protected a RINO Trump hater who voted all 15 times to make Kevin McCarthy speaker of the House. Matt worked against me when I ran against a McCarthy supporter when he could have had someone like me in Congress fighting for America First. If Matt was serious when he first said a couple years ago that he wouldn’t allow McCarthy to be Speaker, then he would have shown us with his actions. But every chance he gets, he allows his ego and hubris to get in the way of supporting America First candidates who walk the walk and talk the talk.

I have all the receipts to prove what I’m saying too.

So it’s funny to now see Matt Gaetz make more promises to vacate the chair when he has had many opportunities to fight McCarthy over the last 2 years, but has intentionally sabotaged efforts to hold McCarthy accountable. Even worse, he constantly runs cover for the biggest McCarthy enabler in Congress, aka @mtgreenee who once also lied and said she would never support McCarthy.

I have those text messages too… I have no reason to lie.

It’s important for people to understand how fake Matt is. I support a Motion to Vacate, and if I was in Congress, unlike Matt, I never would have caved and supported McCarthy, and I would have actually made a motion to vacate the chair the first time I said I would as opposed to lying about it.

It is hard to take Matt seriously anymore when I know how hard he worked during my campaign to oppose a viable McCarthy opponent and to support the McCarthy enabler, and career politician RINO Daniel Webster.

Daniel Webster was with @RonDeSantis on election night in 2022. He made a deal with DeSantis in 2022 to remove the most pro Trump areas of my district in the map and to give Daniel Webster back Orange County, where the highway is named after him. And it was in Orange County where my election was stolen with massive fraud on election night.

The only reason Daniel Webster recently endorsed @realDonaldTrump is because he knows how much Trump likes me and he’s worried I will be running again.

Webster hates Donald Trump and everyone in FL 11 knows it. Matt Gaetz protected Webster and told me “Webster gave me my first job in politics and my dad is friends with him, so you need to drop out.”

I refused to drop out and so Matt told me “you are not an America First candidate and you are not a winning candidate.” Also when I was running for Congress, DeSantis asked Matt Gaetz to tell the grassroots to stop asking DeSantis to conduct an Audit over 2020. And Matt happily obliged and told Election Integrity activists to stop calling Desantis out over election integrity.

I wanted to give @mattgaetz the benefit of the doubt, but he has shown time and time again that he’s just not very serious about holding @SpeakerMcCarthy accountable.

That’s the real Matt Gaetz for you. I thought you all should know the truth since nobody in Washington DC seems capable of speaking it these days.

Right, Matt?

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