
Why Is Anyone Honoring Feinstein

… worth is $220 million. That she stole. From you. Via insider trading and money laundering. All the while she allowed California, and her District of San Francisco, to turn into a drug-infested 2SLGBTQIA+ homeless zombie apocalypse.

When we talk about “establishment politicians”, she’s at the top of the damn list. She’s been a Senator for 31 years, and under her watch, America has turned into a shithole. Not only did she let it happen, but her Left-wing policies made it a possibility. She played a significant role in destroying California and this nation with open border policies and woke insanity.

So spare me with all the “Rest in Peace”. She was one of the main reasons we are in the position we are in today. She destroyed America and I wish her no blessings in whatever afterlife she faces.

And before anyone says this is partisan, I feel the same way about McCain, and any other Deep State traitorous rat who bites the dust.

Some of y’all don’t hate establishment politicians enough, and it shows. … DC to brief her on Iraqi WMD and the allegations being made by the Bush administration that Iraq continued to possess them. We met in a secure conference room in the Capital building—me, the Senator, and a half dozen staffers and aides. It was a polite, professional affair, with the Senator asking questions and taking notes. Eventually she confronted me—“Your position is causing us some difficulty. You are making the US look bad in the eyes of the world.” I replied that my analysis and the underlying facts were rock solid, something she agreed with. I said that while I knew she couldn’t reveal sensitive intelligence, if she could look me in the eye and say she has seen unequivocal proof that Iraq retained WMD, I’d shut up and go away. She looked at her retinue, and then me. “I have seen no such intelligence,” she replied. She thanked me for the briefing, and said it provided her with “food for thought.” On October 11, 2002, Senator Feinstein voted in favor of the resolution authorizing war with Iraq. Later, she said she had been misled by the Bush administration and bad intelligence.

I will forever know Senator Feinstein as someone who had been empowered by the truth, and lacked the moral courage to act on it. The blood of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis stains her soul. I hope when she stands in judgment before her maker, she is punished accordingly.

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