
Something Necessary to Understand About Washington DC

The Conservative Treehouse

Spurred from several recent conversations, it becomes entirely necessary for this specific audience to understand a reality that is never discussed.

If you are reading this, wherever you are reading this, by self-association you are in a select group of high information people with a much larger understanding of the issues than your network. That means you know, comprehend, understand and have a level of insight and discernment that is far above average. Now, let me be brutally honest.

Factually speaking, all of the people within the mechanisms of DC; the people you associate with being key allies to fight back against the visible corruption; the people you assign hope toward; are not as smart as you.

Re-read that as needed.

One of the biggest shifts of thinking needed in order to change our dynamic to the abusive relationship with government, is to realize these people you consider important are just not that smart. They are not wiser; they are not more strategic; they are not as well versed in the details at the heart of the crisis; they are not as well informed; they do not have special access to information that makes them more capable; they do not understand the issues better than you.

Again, RE-READ that with new eyes to evaluate and understand the challenge.

It doesn’t matter what position they hold, or what access they have, or what groups, interests, networks or information resources are at their disposal. You know more than them, and you understand the material at a much higher level of comprehension than they do. It does not matter what their rank or importance is, YOU know more. Once you realize this, then you begin to change how you look at the challenge and at their functional capability within it.

The informational context you assign to them does not exist. The things you think they know, they don’t. The very specific information you believe they are aware of, does not exist in their mind. The people in Washington DC, those allies who you think might have the skills to fix issues, have no concept of what material you are aware of. You are light years ahead of them in the scale of information you understand, and the context it means.

I am not being hyperbolic.

Here’s the kicker…. They think they are more aware than you. The system around them reinforces a belief that they hold some level of knowledge that you do not have. As a result, when they engage with you, they talk down to you, or talk in a manner of unintentional intellectual condescension that stems from a place where they cannot fathom your level of knowledge.

If you have the opportunity to talk to them, I mean really get beyond the surface level stuff and dig into the weeds (even the shallow weeds), suddenly they start to get a strange look on their face – that becomes fear – as your knowledge starts to destabilize their prior view of you.

Let me be very clear and precise. It doesn’t matter who they are, or what title they hold; the same reality of material fact that I am describing applies to all of them – at every level.

If you think of a top apex-level person currently or formerly inside government, that aligns with the principals of freedom and liberty – and has a keen awareness of the issues and subject matter that has created our current crisis dynamic, I have likely spoken to them. Those who fit that description and may even be reading this right now, will tell you in a moment of brutal honesty, I am correct.

The people you think can fix this stuff, have no idea how much you know. Additionally, it becomes destabilizing and unnerving for them to accept your level of information and understanding.

Another key and important element; beyond the knowledge, intellect, wisdom and discernment level… YOU care more about it than they do. The stuff that you know, the stuff that you yearn for them to address and fix, is more important to you than it is to them.

Why am I telling you this?

Because we all need to change your reference points when communicating with them. We need to confront their condescension early in our contact. We need to be deliberate, direct, and brutally honest in our delivery.

When we write to them, articulate the arguments. When we talk to them, pull them into the weeds of the issues and force them to see that our grasp of the topic far exceeds their ability to bullshit their way around the issue.

Being courteous, respectful and considerate for their role, does not mean you have to dumb yourself down or consider yourself subservient to their view.

I guarantee you two things. First, that you know the material better than they do. Second, I absolutely guarantee that you care more than they do. What that latter element says about the challenge is for another discussion, but these key points need to be emphasized.

That’s it.

Love to all,

~ Sundance

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