
Congratulations to Prime Minister Sunak

Donald J Trump

Prime Minister Sunak of the United Kingdom has very substantially rolled back the ridiculous “Climate Mandates” that the United States is pushing on everyone, especially itself. I always knew Sunak was smart, that he wasn’t going to destroy and bankrupt his nation for fake climate alarmists that don’t have a clue. In the meantime the U.S. keeps rolling merrily along, spending Trillions of Dollars trying to do that which is not doable, while at the same time breathing in the filthy and totally untreated air floating over our once great Country from China, India, Russia, and Parts Unknown. They are all building Coal Fired Plants by the hundreds each year, and Germany, which has almost destroyed itself with its ridiculous form of the Green New Hoax, has just joined in. Congratulations to Prime Minister Sunak for recognizing this SCAM before it was too late! The Green New Hoax will take down the U.S., perhaps even sooner than our Open Border of Death. IT MUST BE STOPPED. MAGA!!!

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